If your child has a dental emergency, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please call our office as soon as possible when your child has an emergency. We understand children have accidents frequently and we will accommodate your child into our schedule. If after hours, please contact our office and our pager number will be provided. Please call the pager number and leave a message with the answering service. The dentist will contact you as soon as possible.

Columbia, SC

Sumter, SC

What to do: Common Dental Emergencies

Primary Teeth (Baby Tooth)

If Tooth Is Knocked Out

What to look for: The whole baby tooth is gone from its socket.

Recommended Treatment: Control bleeding by applying pressure. Find the tooth and save for the dentist, for a visual inspection. If not sure if it’s a baby tooth or permanent tooth, place in a glass of milk and contact your dentist as soon as possible. Do not try to reinsert or rinse the tooth off. Tylenol or Motrin as needed and maintain a soft diet.

If Tooth Is Hit But Not Loose

What to look for: May see some bleeding along the gum line but no actual mobility of the tooth. Expect soreness for 1-3 days. Discoloration of the tooth is possible after any trauma.

Recommended Treatment: Apply firm pressure to gum line to reduce bleeding. Tylenol or Motrin as needed and maintain a soft diet.

Contact us as soon as possible for an evaluation.

If Tooth Is Hit And Is Loose

What to look for: May see some bleeding along the gum line and mobility of the tooth. Expect soreness for 1-3 days. The tooth may tighten up in a couple weeks. Discoloration of the tooth is possible after any trauma.

Recommended Treatment: Apply firm pressure to gum line to reduce bleeding. Minimize movement of the tooth and check to see if your child can close teeth together. If tooth is out of position but not loose, try to reposition with firm finger pressure if possible. Tylenol or Motrin as needed and maintain a soft diet. Contact us as soon as possible for an evaluation.

If Tooth Is Hit But Not Broken

What to look for: The tooth will appear chipped. May be sensitive to hot and cold.

Recommended Treatment: Limit hot and cold drinks or foods. Tylenol or Motrin as needed and maintain a soft diet. Contact us as soon as possible for an evaluation.

If Tooth Is Gray Or Brown In Color

What to look for: Discoloration of tooth. About 70% of baby teeth that experience trauma will darken. A discolored baby tooth does not always require treatment.

Recommended Treatment: If associated with pain, use Tylenol or Motrin. Clinical examination and x-ray is needed to evaluate for possible infection.

Adult Permanent Tooth

If Tooth Is Knocked Out

What to look for: The tooth will be gone from its socket.

Recommended Treatment: Control bleeding by applying pressure. Locate tooth, handle by the crown (not the root) and rinse with water but do not scrub. If possible, try to reinsert in its socket. If not possible, place the tooth in milk or patients saliva. Contact dentist immediately. Time is a critical factor in the saving the tooth.

If Tooth Is Chipped

What to look for: Fractured tooth

Recommended Treatment: Control any bleeding by applying pressure. Please bring any pieces that you can find and contact us immediately.


Kept area clean, rinse mouth with warm water or try using dental floss to remove any impacted food. If pain continues or face becomes swollen apply cold compress and contact us immediately. To relieve pain, give Tylenol or Motrin. DO NOT place aspirin on gums or aching tooth.